Feel Terrific With Teeth in a Day

You may be tired of speaking unclearly. At the same time, you might be sick of loose-fitting dentures or struggling to eat what you really want.

Believe it or not, you could change that, and it could happen faster than you may realize. At Implant Dentistry & Laser Periodontics, you can receive Teeth in a Day in St. Petersburg, FL.

Call 727-732-3173 for any of these reasons.

Stop Feeling Self-Conscious About Smiling

Teeth in a Day can dramatically improve your appearance and boost your confidence. This can have a profound impact on your social interactions, professional life, and overall self-esteem.

Eat the Foods You Love

Traditional dentures can make it difficult to eat certain foods. Teeth in a Day provides you with a strong foundation for biting and chewing. Enjoy crunchy vegetables, chewy meats, and sticky treats with your new teeth.

Spend Less Time in Dental Appointments

We love helping our patients, but we recognize that you would probably prefer to spend less time in a dental chair. As the name suggests, Teeth in a Day involves a shorter treatment process compared to traditional dental implant procedures.

Revive your smile in St. Petersburg, FL. Call Implant Dentistry & Laser Periodontics at 727-732-3173 for an appointment. You can also schedule online